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Motor Driven Dosing Pump

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Series "FM" reciprocating type Mechanically actuated diaphragm dosing pumps are driven by a 0.5 HP, 1440 RPM Squirrel Cage induction motor (Input power supply 415V/ 3Phase/50HzAC)

Mechanically actuated Diaphragm
HIgh precision balls and seal, rings for accuracy
Manual flow control, adjustable while running through stroke length adjustment knob.
Composite PTFE Hypalon diaphragm for long life.
Motor driven worm shaft & worm wheel drive.
Liquid end material of construction in PP (Also in SS 316, PVC and Teflon on request)
Light weight Aluminium alloy body.
Modular design occupying lees foot print.
Steady state accuracy +_2%
Repeatability +_3%
Turn down Ration 10:1

Industrial Application

Chemical & Petrochemical
Paper & Textiles
Thermal Power Plants
Food & Beverages

Water & effluent treatment
Refineries & Fertilizers

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Air Breathing Apparatus, Chlorine Cylinder, Chlorine Tonner, Gas Chlorinator, Gas Mask Respirator, Motor Driven Dosing Pump, Solenoid Driven Metering Pump